Work one on one to get to the root cause of your gut related symptoms. An initial consultation helps us to create a tailored plan to getting you on the road to feeling your best. With bi-weekly check-ins and messaging in between for extra support, we can keep you accountable and tackle any potential set backs. Functional medicine based testing helps guide us in addressing your symptoms and is also available for anyone in the US. 


If you're struggling with gut issues/ bloating/ fatigue/ anxiety, I'm here to help you!

Been there, done that! All health starts in the gut. If you're not feeling your best and have gotten nowhere with conventional medicine or DIY information, it's time to take a root cause approach.

Working together one on one, we will work on a tailored plan to get you feeling your best! 

We work together on healing the gut and functional foundations such as nutrition, mindset, and lifestyle changes so that you can thrive. 

Keep reading to learn more!

Not sure if this is right for you?

Click below to reach out and we can see if this would be a good fit!


So if you're tired of...

  • Feeling anxious,  depressed, or irritable
  • Struggling to fit into your pants or not wanting to go out because of your food baby
  • Having random joint pain
  • Your GI issues and always having to know if there is going to be a bathroom
  • Knowing you want better, but don't know how

Then let's change that! 

Work With Me!